Just Stop Cutting People's Heads Off. Please.

"So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are." - Lawrence of Arabia

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Location: St Louis Park, MN, United States

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Will to Fight; the Will to Win are, and have always been, the direct contributing factors to victory in war.

After Pearl Harbor, the American people developed or, for the cynical minded, were manipulated into developing, the Will to Fight.

And, Free Societies with the Will to fight have always beaten the unfree hatreds of dictators and despots. Always.

Of course, During WWII, there was a large contingent of "surrender monkeys" who believed that the triumph of either Hitler’s fascism or Stalin's fascism, was inevitable. There is nothing new about those who will defend or even support horrible atrocities and conquests in the name of "peace" and pragmatism.
Those who believed in the ultimate, inevitable triumph of Stalin's "Communist" fascism lasted long after WWII. They believed the “Will to Fight” and the “Will to Win” were anachronistic values that actually placed the United States and mankind in danger. They believed it was better to compromise or even surrender with an Evil that placed no value on human life and murdered millions of people in the name of pragmatism.

This debate hotly raged until the fall of the Soviet Union and, there are several places, most notably Eastern Europe, China, and Vietnam, where the US "blinked" and surrendered this Will to fight, condemning hundreds of millions to death and slavery.

This Will to fight has always been engendered or suppressed; supported or attacked; made to seem like a noble cause, or vilified as criminal actions, by the media.

The United States of America is an historically unique breeding ground for generating the democratic values of liberty and brotherhood. The values of freedom of speech and religion along with equality under the law and just courts are uniquely American values.

This value system is also unique that it is biblically based in the Judeo – Christian bible and traditions.

Both Judaism and Christianity have recreated themselves in the United States. They have both developed new aspects of their religions based on a sort of feedback loop from the values upon which the USA was founded.

The initial Christian "exceptionalism" that led our earliest forefathers to believe that America was “the promised land” and that they, as new immigrants were the “chosen people,” has developed into an "American exceptionalism" which includes all Americans. And, this has in turn looped back to reinvigorate Christian values Jewish values to reflect American values in new ways with new ideals.

American Christianity, whether it be Evangelicalism or Catholicism or other variants of Protestantism or even Mormonism, is the driving force of Christianity throughout the world. It reflects American values.

And, it is no accident that the world thinks America is Jewish, even though, statistically speaking, Jews are an insignificant number in the general population. The philosophies of Judaism have grown and been re-energized in the United States of America unlike any other time or place.

The synthesis of these two points of view – the fact that the media has always influenced the Will to Fight and the Will to Win in the United States and, the fact that the Jewish and Christian religions have been influenced and have influenced the United States to the ideals of liberty; brotherhood; freedom; and justice, can set an example of what must be done to win this current war against Islamic radicals that believe that murder and chaos are their tools by which they enter Heaven.

It matters little whether Islam has been hijacked or whether these murders are at the core belief of Islam. What matters is that it is possible to change these beliefs and this way of life (or, more to the point, death worship) by allowing and encouraging Muslims to develop an American Islam based the distinct American values of tolerance for other points of view.

On the American values of freedom of speech and religion.

On the American values of equality and for all peoples under the law, particularly women and “non-believers” in the case of Islam.

The most powerful force that America has to convince Muslims that they can take their religion and culture and make it new and free is the media that permeates our world.

Use that media to promote American values and denigrate the values of Death worship and destruction.

Use that media to create a uniquely American Islam that is able to spread its philosophies of tolerance and justice to the rest of the world.

Why not?

Friday, March 16, 2007

It has been five years since the United States was attacked on 9/11.

In that time, the “War on Terror” has become a game of “Gotcha” among politicians and large media outlets. The Democrats are currently debating useless resolutions trying to demonstrate their disapproval for this war, and the media providers, from Reuters to CNN, along with most of the other large print and television outlets, are all assisting them in casting constant doubt and pitiful self examination regarding this war.

Israel, our ally and the only other country in the world that is directly in the storm front of these ceaseless attacks on innocents, has a government mired in corruption and confusion and a populace that has long been forced to turn a deaf ear to a world community that somehow believes that Israel is the “most dangerous country in the world.”

There are approximately one billion Muslims in the world.

It is reported through wildly differing sources and polls that anywhere from 10 % to 60% of the Muslim population supports or approves of terrorist attacks such as suicide bombings and the murder of innocents.

For the simple purpose of agreement, let us suppose that there are only 5 % of the world’s 1 billion Muslims who support this kind of terrorist activity.

That is 50 million Muslims.

And let us again suppose that there are only 5 % of those Muslims who would actually strap on a bomb or cut off someone’s head.

That’s two and a half million radical Islamists that believe in their god of Death.

And, let’s just suppose that 5 % of those who desire to murder us and themselves are actually able to accomplish such a goal.

That’s 125,000 potential death cultists ready, willing, and able to commit destruction and chaos at any time; against any persons; anywhere…

These people, willing to die for their twisted beliefs, can never be stopped.

The only way to stop them is to remove their support structure.

This can only be done by fellow Muslims who are willing to create an Islam that supports freedom of speech and freedom of religion with a legal system of equality and just courts.

In short, a reformed Islam.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Time Has Come, the Walrus said, To Talk of Many Things...

September 11th, 2001 changed my view of both the United States and the world.
I was stunned that these people would commit such crimes.
The endless Arab and Muslim hatred, particularly towards Israel, had always been a source of annoyance and pain, but it was always below the horizon – frustrating, but what could I do about it? Really?
However, with this actual vicious attack on the United States of America to places that I had been to; where people I know lived; and where friends of people I know, died - this Arab/Muslim hatred became a distinct entity, separate from all of the other great miasma of “isms” and political hatreds that have affected the world for all of my life in the 20th Century.
Islamic and Arab fascism, along with the Death Cult mentality that the Palestinians had introduced, became a murderous reality when these Saudi Arabian hijackers murdered American fight crews and turned their jet airplanes into guided missiles, solely designed to murder innocents and terrorize the United States. As far as I was concerned, this cult of Islamic fascism declared war on the US on September 11th, 2001.
The only problem was - I had no idea who these people were. I didn’t know where they lived. I did not know what they believed or what they wanted.
Therefore, I immediately began studying what the hell was wrong with these benighted Arabs and Islam in general. I read and read histories. I communicated and continue to communicate in online forums. I listen to pundits and politicians, mostly on the radio. And, I discuss these topics with friends and strangers.

The time has come to do something about it…